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Mar 2017
"Sit up dear."
"Do not frown!"
"Cross your legs
And wear a gown"

So many rules
in how to be a girl.
I Just want to play
and learn to do a twirl.

But "Yes mama"
Is all I ever say,
I owe her too much
And by gosh I will repay.

Anything to see her eyes sparkle
With that hint of pride,
Because just as she claims me
I claim her as mine.

We have our differences
But we love each other all the same
If given the choice we would
Take on even each other's pain.

I Love you mama,
and I always will.
Even if when you were angry
Your stare gave me chills.

At least I think twice
before I make a mistake.
What would mama say
If I ate the whole cake?

Haha, I won't
But sure wish I could.
Don't want mama angry
That would do me no good!
Jessica Lima
Written by
Jessica Lima  Las Vegas
(Las Vegas)   
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