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Feb 2017
i look with but one eye at the world, so i might look a shadow
eye to eye... and thus see, say
the word sum, and cossack moustache and
that name of catfish bound to italics...
       what heart to be made from
a heart that's away from home?
i once believed in love...
what a short story that seemed to be
like coma's song jutro / tomorrow,
or małgorzata kożuchowska;
   you ask me if i make sense,
if your parrents divorce...
  if you answer that... i'm sure i'll make much
more sense... i'm not the one you should be
asking... what the ****?!...
     what sort of alcoholic do i have to be
to still have a roof over my head?
         and what sort of family unit must you
have to be to lead to a divorce?
a complete, or half a ****?
         word salads are world salads.
western society was never worth completely
defending, and integrating into...
  there was always a bit of me saying:
aha... no you don't! looks too pretty!
don't do it...
               sure, if you want,
be ***** slapped by pakistanis in some ghetto
of bring-on-pakisti-stam that's birmingham...
     you chew on jew or is that
where you tell me to munch of a clove of
garlic and call in the psychiatrists...
because i'm an "uncomfortable"
individual? i've already heard that *******
and i'm fine with it...
           if i'm going to decide to die because
people start to nag too much...
   i'll take to seppuku...
it's enough that i don't belong to a country...
that my "countrymen" celebrate
john paul ii, the pope who couldn't figure
out the potential of an emeritus status...
****** slob on the throne of thrones...
       that thing needs a rerirement plan...
the youngest pope in history and having ******
so many girls in secret masquarade ******...
what's this?
          yep... i really tried transcending
being a son of a roofer by becoming a chemist...
so **** of an egyptian and some russian *****
said: nope... not going to happen...
    and i'm most racist with my countrymen
for not provoding reperations for what happened
to south eastern part of poland after
chernobyll... hello!
              hello! you ******* thinking or
trying to say hello in braille?
                 doctor marcickiewicz! ah sure,
you were expecting someone with a surname
like... kowalski... right?
           to me that's as bad as
having a surname hussein or bin laden...
i came to abhor my country of birth...
for the reasons they exiled my father
for the reasons i write in exile...
and how talking to my grandfather, communism
wasn't oppressive, in that it allowed him to buy a home...
pope john ii... fu! ******* phlegm's worth
of spit... and ***** old ladies reduced to
baking cakes in some polish village...
oh the west isn't any better...
how communism was bound to fail...
the more cowboys... well... what do you expect?
for some reason people mistake the failings
of communism with the martial law of
      December 13, 1981 to July 22, 1983...
people confuse deliberate underming and
what ended the deliberate undermining,
i.e. a preparation for war...
          every, single, time, the newspapers cite
their statistics i can't respect them...
    they'll sooner cite statistics from estonia
than poland... i have the absolutism of
disrespecting western newspapers and new
internet media, in general... chin chang cho?
- my countrymen made a jew out of me,
a nomad... why would i even care to speak
the truth about them?
    i only seem to attribute myself to either shadow
or vishnu blue... something non-binary;
   well... just listening to Ukranians in Warsaw,
that really swayed me...
   or imagining how the Russians might
ease a renufication of Poles,
  Lithuanians and Ukranians and create a hostile
buffer against the Islamic onslought
of post-colonial states of enland, france, spain
and portugal... although not really the latter two...
as father tend to do:
leave their children in abandon,
hoping that there is a willing mother,
or what western society cites:
black widow spiders, mantis... things...
they cut off the male's genitals off...
           generally feminism bred femophobia...
too much science, too much ugh...
  too much history from insects to man and not
enough history of edward the confessor into
henry harem-phobic the 8th...
            more mantis into ***** donation...
why the hell would i want to invest my emotional
capacity continue being
"integrated" into such a society
when i don't want to invest it?
               if this isn't the zenith of expressing
the word fickle... i really will question
people with allergies...
a society ruled by women and fickle eaters.
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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