Words are becoming hard Phrases that used to flow like rivers from my fingertips Must be drawn out by force, inch by painful inch I am so afraid of my own writing, of its mediocrity Why does this hurt? Why are my words hollow now? I think of all of the stories in my head And i want to cry, to scream They’re blocked by this wall of something that might be fear But it might be disgust too Disgust in myself, disgust with the fact that I used to think in words But now I think in snapshots and when did I change? I want to stop growing, to regress to black and white I want to see the blinker on the screen, the disappearing black line And I want to be filled with determination, not frustration What will it take for me to look past where I am to where I want to be? What will it take for me to start walking, to get up and wipe the tears away I want to be a writer again, oh please let me write again Words, please, I am sorry for leaving you It was my fault, my fears, my stubbornness I only want to do what I’m good at But I want so badly to become good at you. Words, take me back?