My mother told me when she was living that i had "black blood", was related to Heidi Selassie, the emperor of Ethiopia at that time, and heir to his throne. As I've said a musical therapist here said that because I had A positive blood I had all bloodlines. My mother also said the Sturies were Scottish, Lithuanian, regular German, and I got a phone call- maybe I've already mentioned this- back in the eighties when I was rooming with a black family that I was part South American. My mother also told me that I was heit to the throne of Lithuania at that time and that the Sturies are high German which mean we're sorta preppy compared to everybody else and that we're related to the likes of Plato, Christ, ******, Von Steuben, and Metternick. Interesting. At least it didn't lead to me disintegrating. I also read on the internet that the Sturies have a little Cherokee in them. That's about all I know right now. For more about my bloodlines except that we're related to Hugh Hefner (it said on the internet) that a friend of mine told me the Sturies are distantly related to Daniel Boone. So turn on your heatline Neil Diamond and reach out to me when my father, bless his heart comes back from beyond the sea.