She is old and kind of ugly now But i see her pictures she was cute My grandmother.
She yells obscenities at us kids, at the younger ones at least All in good heart not in ethics though.
She seems to know something None of us do Yet she seems to me Clueless too.
Rigid and mean, it must have been a hard life Never calm and serene, she must have known strife.
She is a gypsy of sorts Rings on her fingers Blonde hair never brushed She drove that semi so long Its permanently wind swept...
She burns wood in the garage to keep her 8 dogs warm... and the rest of the animals, are inside. Birds, and cats and fish and a raccoon
Who I swear she loves more than any of us kids.
But they have been there you see...
We never were. She's to hard But I try my best... To stack her wood.... To clean her house when I go over. I even give her bags of **** for free... Just so she can feel appreciated.
She is a woman after all... all she knows is give she is terrified of take so you have to let her.