Read and Reread a page in a book, Each and every line. Memorize every letter, Until they intertwine. Take a little break, Then do it all over again. Until the tears soak up the words, And you can't find where you begin. Though blind with tears, And haunted by fears, Every thing starts to clear. You can not put in, What does not fit in, Or unwrite that which has been written. So back to the book once again Remembering the damp crumbled words To know how it will begin, To tear you apart just at the end To constantly remind yourself as you have been rereading a page will not become unwritten. Will not change the words , Or make them listen, Go on skip ahead Read from the heart This is where you wanna begin This is where it should always start. **** the begining **** the end Let's just meet half way. But even this of course would be Just not the proper way Even when you chose to start You took the time to reread every part Even the pieces that broke your heart And even knowing when you start again It'll never be possible to rewrite the end.