...you... Live in shadows, no one can see Who you really are, you don't know And something so lost, finds a way To tear into the strongest cloths You make holes everywhere you go
But it's the dark that makes you feel You can damage all the decent fabric Of those you had greeted many times your demons, feather in the dusty room And settle on untouched beauty
Flit flutter- your inconsistent beat Makes me want to swat you far No. I won't **** you. The lies you live Is a death sentence in itself -heavy... With a burden that makes you need
Greedy with desire to Hover over flames Your true kryptonite; desire more, more light- and too shallow, you see it all the same You can't distinguish the true sun So you flock to the buzzing hollow glow
You find it hot, but never hot enough, Fore long- BURN- as I'm sure you will Like that! A flicker, and out! You stagger You plummet, dissolve, gone so easily. A remnence of ash too small to remember