only when corporations become more effective ( exploiting an "identity crisis", or the simply stated new, and "profound" pronoun usage ) only when corporations do this.... will the nation-state model disintegrate.... nations will disppear, become similis abstracta - nations will disappear in favour of companies... a 1000 little Hitlers reigning with a power command much higher in vision than the Holocaust demand... so we will sleep-walk into it.. assired that with the abolishion of lunatic asylums via the: we are suddenly led to believe, we can believe in romance on the movie-screen... darwinism can't incubate the natural diversity of trans-categorical mammal repitle and insect, among many others in the yin.,.. nations are abstract given the corporations... but the yang.... blister-becoming white light... given the rise of corporations there are no nations to speak of... we can speak of nation-like cities... mass collectives... we can't speak of nations because corporations obscruct nations, since corporations they build cities... they are not nation-builders... they aren't nation-upholders... they are not keepers of genetic historicism... i can appreciate the flux: the mode of change, but in statistical terms: the mean is the need for a competent loss... while the median parties... jealousy?! who needs go among chandeliers and champagne flutes clicked? you start to wonder why corporations are so effective against nations... you begin to wonder why the english of the **** proto... well... prompt... and all that hollywood endeavour... power requires the most effective art-form, once upon a time it was painting, e.g. the Sistine chapel... but that was too immortal... acting had to become the prized art form to keep a superpower afloat like an iceberg... art had to become transient.... mortal... acting is the medium of all artistic expression in our times... there is no other... other artistic expressions are secondary... anti-industrial... "lazy"... that's what is dicated... corporations hold sway over more allegiances than nations... nations are very literally abstract... perhaps once every 4 years at the olympics... but in the day-to-day? knda *******... corporations are more real than nations... this is a sample of language akin to the 600 or so years after the crucifixion... a language sampled at a time of awaiting the 600 year countdown of the end of the epoch of the merchant of mecca... the tiresome example of globalisation... and no more celestial motive to grace the dirt on Mars with a footprint... corporations reign man's ethnic origin with a Copernican grip to absolve the n.e.w.s. with a single identifiable world-view of originating from a globe... and thanks to democracy, western democracy, an Adolf ****** can pass from one 4-year sequence to the next... the overpowering of the id, how the id overpowered the ego: given that so many of us were "ego tripping"... i saw the marches of 2003 in London... and saw how ineffective democracy was... at least in autocracy there's a Caesar... someone with the gall bladder and testicles to rule, but also be ready to be held accountable... democracy produces nothing of the sort... it's shadow politics... politics en masse... there's no beacon, no need to point and blame and pray unto a crucifix... gesticulation forehead, chest, left arm right arm: amen... personally democracy means less than pigeon ****... or as 1 BILLION chinese will testify: thanks for giving us all the jobs.... see you in coding hell. which is why any attempt at claiming an ethnic identity, and then throwing it into a melting-*** beyond white, i.e. German... seems the befitting joke of identifying with the left... and mass histeria... but this is nothing other than the drive to the secular narrative... seperation of the church-state narrative has lead us into the snares of church-media and no-state... globalisation and the governing thumb of corporations.