its great I work 6 days 35 hours a week and earn minimum wage tips I get from taking people soggy sandwiches go directly into cigarettes and gas. Im on food stamps I donate plasma just to make ends meet and I still can't afford to get the water turned on. the only time I eat is when I get half priced garbage from work or buy stale loaves of forgotten bread for 50ยข I have health insurance but I don't pay for it. I don't pay my phone bill either no internet, no computer, no heat. I have electricity. the rich drain us of resources. they need US, we don't need THEM. they say 'I'm here because.I worked.hard,' imply I don't work hard. implying nurses in hospitals don't work hard scrubbing **** out of old peoples diapers, implying immigrant construction workers don't break their backs working for half of what I get making a.descent living for their family. the rich are a product of privilege sure you might work hard, but what did your parents do? let me guess. they were business owners or lawyers you went to private school had braces played football went to the doctor whn you.were.sick taught things were sent to college yes. hours so much better than me because you work hard. while I'm doing your ***** and starving because of you.