This time last year I had a panic attack because I thought you would die while I was away. I was terrified that the cancer would finally be too much and I would be thousands of miles away, Too far to say my goodbyes, Too far to see you one last time, Too far to take a mental picture of how truly awful this sickness is. Now, this year, I lay in the bathtub; High on Xanax because you're gone and life's moving on without you. I'm leaving tomorrow morning just as I did last year, But I don't have to worry about you dying this year, Now I have to worry about you being forgotten. Worry that your memory will wither away, That I will soon forget your voice and toothy grin. Because everything is moving too quickly.
After you took your final breath it felt like the world stopped, But boy was I wrong. Things went on just as they used to and it terrified me. Because how on Earth could the world still spin without you on it?