I wanted to wander off the coast of melancholy I wanted to make another step back from the calling But as soon as my feet try to turn away from the sea of despair I am pulled back by my memories of you of you and me of us of "what ifs" of what we could've been of what we should've been It's as if the waves came rushing but instead of pushing me back to the shore, it engulfs me more Little did I know, I lost again I lost the only battle I prepared for I lost you just as how the sea easily erases our carved names in the shore just as how the sun disappears in the horizon just as how the wind pushed me, I felt it's coldness until it's gone I lost you I am lost I am lost in you I am lost in the sea of my weeping for our parting and now I want my love for you take me away Let my soul be carried by the current until I drown and feel no pain anymore Let me be one with you Let me be one with the sea wishing someday I will wake up In the land of pure bliss with you and us