I am the ONE, The Girl, Female, The chosen Heart of God Some may call me Lucifer. Or Sofia Or wisdom. I AM The Concubine of The Creator. I am the heart. The Womb. The love which drives it all.
With in me lays a bed only for the Son. But if that bed is not filled I will destroy all i have made. I will tear down the walls of creation The room which has been waiting. I am the destroyer. I am the creators concubine, I am the Womb. But desolate, I am the destroyer. Many names have been given unto my idea None who speak the truth. I am the womb. I am the Woman, I am the Eve of Creation. And Adam be my God. And if the sun never rises I will become the destroyer. Biologically, Emotionally, interconnectedly, Mentally. We are all this. But as Woman, I am the Embodiment of the Symbol. My ****** waits for the light of DNA to enter her and when it does she rejoices in creation with Her concubine. But When it does not. I become desolate and I become the Moon. I become the Sin, the Blood Sacrifice. I become the destroyer. Micro/Macro This world and that Male and Female Death and life The trinity.