The past two weeks I have been doing my own thing. It actually feels pretty good. I have been just chilling at the house and working and doesn't seem like much. But it feels really good. I know now what I am going to do with myself I just got to keep pushing and I will be where I want to be. With the advice of two friends that are still there for me. Shockingly. They have helped me and pointed me in the right direction. For that I thank you both. I must let go of the past and move on with my life. I am starting to let go of the past to continue on this road. I feel like I have made a right turn. I must seize the day now and let the darkness of my past go. I have little time left to turn my life around before the big day. For all the people I have hurt and betrayed. I am sorry for my actions and wished things could've been better. Someone told me that the stuff I have done was in my head and I didn't think about it. The exact words that was told to me was I had a mind set and didn't realize it was "well I'm gonna hurt them before they hurt me" in a sense that is true. I didn't even realize until someone told me. I have one more thing I have literally only told one person and they understood. Even after everything I have done to hurt them. They were still there for me. They were in the same position as me and understand everything I'm going through. I must finally put my destiny in my own hands and follow my dreams and as should you. The reader. I will seize the day and grasp the opportunities I am given. You only get one shot in life and I don't want to miss out anymore. I must make myself happy and a better person now to truly be who I want to be not just for myself but for the people around me. Well who's left anyways. Life has given me plenty of curve *****. I am ready to step up to the plate and make a home run. Carpe Diem (Seize The Day)