When Satan Ruled The intellectual class writing words on paper has one truth, the class who are bent over a plough has one truth too and think the devil with a long tie has many things to offer like work and a decent standard of living, the high-brow lot scoffs at this saying the ploughmen are misled and don't read the facts but facts depend upon what one reads into it. Some states ignore this seek an audience with the man of a thousand deals and are willing to sign a pact with a bloke too crude for their salons, yet when it comes to money are willing to give him a blow-job, while secretly plot his downfall and churches tell of parables of the devil and sin. The trade unions have embraced him and not burst into flames, will bring them paying members, they will be mighty again as before the liberal class will bend to his will and find a logical expression for doing so, woolly enoughΒ Β to say when the show is over; we never liked his politics.