One can care, but takes two to share. The price of admission is always ...due, ya know?
"The Price Of Admission..."
I never hear you you wait out of hearing... out of - having.
...And the tears - so pale, quiet and frail, and my fingertips just trace so softly and lightly... and each nail edges and slides - my heart ...our 'time.
crying... - just beyond my reach out of living... - everything I can only dream - having.
so - flavor my world -- silly-sad, ...dark and empty... -- that Cheshire grin held within finds your cheek, your life ...our 'time.
I never hear you ...crying... you wait - just beyond my reach out of hearing... out of living... out of - every thing I can only dream - having.
...And the tears - flavor my world - so pale, quiet and frail, -- silly-sad, ...dark and empty... and my fingertips just trace that Cheshire grin so softly and lightly... held within and each nail edges and slides - finds your cheek, my heart - your life ...our 'time.