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Jan 2017
The river runs both ways
For miles and miles
For so many day
Through years
Through loss
Through love
The cost
Is never high enough
Time racing towards the end
Clock clicking and ticking
Starting once again
Cycling back
Through circular cracks
Through birth and death
Through breathe to breath
The river turning and twisting
Foaming and swishing
Picking up speed, faster and faster
Water rising and receding
Constantly feeding
Into the Oceans
Up to the heavens
Clouds culminating in tears
Fall, softening the earth calming our fears
Back to the beginning
Though I be mortal, I still stand grinning
For the river, I run the risk
Of losing myself of ceasing to exist
Of being forgotten or not being missed
Cutting through landmasses
Picking up passengers as it passes
The river, not eternal will still live longer
Then you or me, with no thought of profit
Swelling the seas with its ***** deposit
Changing the courses of history forever
Oh sweet river, what a wonderful river
Written by
Graff1980  43/M/Springfield Illinois
(43/M/Springfield Illinois)   
     Graff1980 and Dimitrios Sarris
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