No, don't say that You don't get to say you're "sad" I know all suffering is valid No matter the magnitude HOWEVER-- Don't you ******* pretend like you KNOW Like you ******* know anything about how empty Life can be. Like you feel anything as close to how empty I feel every single day What's it's like to live your life on the verge of tears Aching on that precipice Holding that urge to cry just beneath the surface of you, constantly. You can't honestly think anyone can take you seriously When you sit there in your comfortable, uncomplicated life Having everything I ever wished for Having everything you and I know I'll never have And pretend like you feel an emotion like despair. Look at you, surrounded, ******* inundated with family and friends and a boyfriend who all love you, They love you ******* it Do you even know? Do you know what it's like to go home To an empty room To an empty heart? You don't know, you'll never know, You'll never have to feel as lost and invisible and ******* broken as some of us So you need to learn to be more ******* precise With your language.