Temporary friends, travelling in the same direction, seated on the floor of a train that did not pass inspection, heated in arguments, chilled by the outdoors but thrilled, had never felt the pain others carried deep within their cores.
As they smoked inside and lied about succes and achieved goals, as the roaring fire charred coals, they searched for a place to hide, a place to look up at the sky at night and still feel safe.
By day they read books and faced exchanging looks as the rusty train paced across this barren land that'd gripped them in it's clutch.
Some drank too much, were overmanned, forgot to stand.
Its final destination was a meadow dark and pure, the only light came from up above as if it meant to lure our strangers closer to endure the shinings our moon reflected.
Even if these people weren't to be trusted even if their skin was scarred, lip busted and they made decisions with a coin to flip, why or how they came up with the trip, if they were classy, sketchy or messy, no one got rejected. They made this, the least ignorant form of bliss.
Trans Siberian express I'll explain it all very nicely even if I have no clue.