We sat on an icy green bench Misty claws at our lips
Yes, we spoke
Pedestrians passed us by A glance here and there At our steaming conversation in this icy seclusion
We spoke
Long and hard About all that had broken us Everything they have ever said to us To destroy and decapitate our effervescent souls
We spoke for much longer
I told you quietly Softly That there is a pit inside me Drenched in void and emptiness A pit filled with no passion Loss Pain Envy A broken heart
We spoke...
I told you how... I never knew Writer's Block Or perhaps a Passion Block Could last so long... Three years in fact
We spoke... And finally you stopped me.
You spoke
And you told me to ignite it
And I begged... I pleaded
You told me to get a blank page And write Write the biggest load of nonsense Write because you can Write and ignite that fire again Write with passion Write about darkness, envy, betrayal Every emotion that has ever crossed your mind But ******, girl... Write!
And flames drew up inside my heart My silent ember sang again There was warmth in this icy cold Enveloping us
Oh... How we spoke That evening... An icy evening... Just you and I.