Understand that it has movements like a fish, spurring to the next bubble of oxygen in an ocean deep without it.
I move as soon as I know the love of that bubble has been ****** dry by ***** gills.
I want to know how you're doing because I care about you deeper than love, because friendship is greater than love in my book.
You can choose your friends.
Not your lovers.
So, I hope someday you call to talk about writing, because when I said I loved you, it meant, I love our friendship, and I ****** it up that night we made lips into gestures of companionship.
Take a second and remember what I said, that friendship is greater than love.
That the bubble is never greater than the ocean.
I want you to be all right, because a second in the library is greater than love daily, to me.
I want to hold you tight in the palms of understanding, and not let you go in the discipline of youthful breaking.
for the woman that talks about Flying Eagles between puffs.