The crashing sounds of our scream came to a halt And echoed for what seemed to be a never ending pause
The loudest moment of silence
And I saw the glimmer in your eyes dim
And everything felt cold
My heart exploding My eyes overflowing My screams just going and going
All the while the voice inside telling me to just shut up And as much as I wanted to I just kept going and going Why didn’t I just shut up
I know you were dying to yell that at me
I convince myself you're out to get me Jabbing at me Mocking me Making fun of me
You stood quiet And when I finally let you speak You told me how your words or one word that offended me…was actually you trying to defend me
Time stopped
The crashing sound of my heart falling to the ground The crashing sound of my silence falling down…to the ground
It still echoes in my mind
And I saw the glimmer in your eyes dim…die And everything feels so cold
The glimmer is not enough to keep either one of us warm
But every time you look at me Every time I look at you I’m hoping to see…foolishly That glimmer grow into a flame Hoping that one of those looks will be a burning gaze Burn to make my heart explode Disintegrating our rage
But no Never again No more glimmers No more flames We lost this crazy battle Battle of silliness War of craziness War of crazy passion
I forfeit Only to find out you forfeited long before me
Time stopped for you and me Our time stopped I’m glad our screams have come to a halt