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Jan 2017
Why does this world always have to put things into categorization, why does this world group races with over-generalization? Got frustration with these creations that one is superior than the other people, that they consider others as nothing more than mentally ******* mutations! By my calculations are we not all a combination of blood, bones, and muscles with circulation? Then people have to wonder why there is so much aggression against segregation and exploitation. Can I get an explanation? Generations of education making the eradication of other people look like some much needed liberation.  Just an over-saturation of propaganda wouldn't that be a human rights violation? Corporations assimilating their ideals into our homes, shouldn't there be an investigation?

So much discrimination against certain associations, don't worry if you got a problem with it you feel nothing after they fill you a bunch of medication! Can't speak up otherwise you will be eliminated or re-indoctrinated. Is all this a secret agenda used to manipulate us and keep us cultivated? Raising our kids for their initiation, and starve us till we die so they can use our bones for the foundation. In the time of desolation, fools we are to not have done anything to stop the devastation. Fabrication orchestrated by the federation sending out misinformation to the population. Claiming it to be true, draining any attempt at revolt till we are black and blue. Brutality everywhere man is there even morality left or is this the new reality?

Is this nothing but a conspiracy? At least that Is what I  get from all the eyes who be looking at me weirdly.  Maybe it is just an overtly over-barren theory, maybe I have lost my mind and have entered into obscurity! So let me put on my aluminum hat, and buy ten thousand cats. Labelled as crazy, maybe I am shady when I had a baby with your mommy. Don't hate because I wasn't the first one to pluck her daisy, after all I'm zany and on so much drugs that everything is so hazy. Afraid of what I'm becoming, brain has decayed, oh hey did you hear something? Oh look here comes the CIA, and all they will tell you is the I have gone M.I.A.
Classy J
Written by
Classy J  22/M/Medicine Hat
(22/M/Medicine Hat)   
   Truth be told and ---
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