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Jan 2017
Left home in the morning
Excited to spend the day with friends
Aware of the fact that i need to be home
Much Before the sun sets.

Not because i had to rest well For my exam tomorrow,
Not because i had to go to work early,
It was because we live in a society
Where i could be ***** if i walked home alone,
When it is dark already..

I am getting cold feet
As am walking alone towards my home
I see him walking towards me

"You are a piece of meat for me,"
Told he,

I start running
I am panting
He runs behind me faster
Grabs me,slaps me and drags me
Drags me into the bushes
Helplessly i resent

Thats when i wake up
I wake up disturbed
I am perspiring
Thinking what a **** victim must have underwent!

It is not your fault
Because you wore a short
It can't be a reason for assault
They are debaucher
They don't need a reason
They just need a prey.
And We need to deal with them,straightaway.

Though we are walking alone
We can't be a victim
Our life cant come to a standstill
For few scoundrels

Lets Stand up for ourselves
Learn to fight
Be bold
Lets just not moan..

we need to make this world a better place for our daughters
We need to get rid of these rotters

Nancy Kapoor
Written by
Nancy Kapoor
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