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Mar 2012
Happy birthday Yasmin, my precious friend,
My love for you, I wish to extend.
Experiences filled, with joy and laughter,
Special memories, we shall recall after.

From the beginning, you made me smile,
Accepted me, without any trial.
Never judged or jumped to conclusions,
Exciting friendship; random infusions.

I cannot ask, for anything more,
So many things, I simply adore.
Hope this birthday never ends,
In my heart, time transcends.

No more fake I.D, you’re legal to go clubbing at last,
All the worry of getting in, left in the past.
So Happy 18th Birthday, my special friend,
Good times await us, just round the bend.
I wrote this for my old friends 18th
Kyle Chewie Insch
Written by
Kyle Chewie Insch  31/Cisgender Male/Southampton, UK.
(31/Cisgender Male/Southampton, UK.)   
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