My body is accustomed now to your absence Fingers no longer reaching across rumpled blankets for warmth That is no longer mine. My mind is accustomed to your absence Thoughts moving beyond the future we built Finally freeing me to dare to dream where you are not Daring me to build a life, grasp opportunities Soley for my own souls fulfillment no longer tied to yours But still, my heart is not accustomed I drift into the dream world, content Only to find your face dancing through the interwoven tapestry of my subconscious self I wake to find your laugh imprinted on the underside of my lids And my heart betrays me with its subtle ache Despite these nighttime relapses, I am releasing you slowly Bit by bit my frozen fingers are pried off of memories too sweet to forget Forced to drop expectations I built in your fading words I am learning the anger that rides beside the sadness Is only temporary blindness to the wisdom of love you brought me The wild dance of freedom you injected in my veins The otherworldly rush of adrenalin through my body I am learning I have the right to be angry but also that is is too powerful an emotion to waste on you You who does not want any part of my erratic heart This is the simple knowledge that is allowing me to shed this skin you've left me drowning in and to breathe free air once again.