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Mar 2012
.               When                                                             ­                     
                  175                      ­                                                              
                  met                                           ­                           At    9:59    a    blood
             ­     with                                                        ­             curdling         scream
                   77                                                                  ­      was      heard     from
to 85 the world held                                                           sea    ­ to     see.    The
their   breath.  People                                                  ­        unimaginable    had
gathered          round                                          ­                happened.          Two
town.          Strangers                                         ­                 words   .   .   .  It   fell.
held     hands.      And                                                  ­       Toppled     over   like
liberty     street    was                                                    ­       my    old   jenga   set.
ironically         named.                                                         Soot   covered    faces
I  was  so   young.  So                                                       ­   Stared       into     our
terrified.   Screaming                                           ­               hearts.  The     bright
and   crying    at    the                                              ­           colors     stained     on
newscasters   on   TV.                                                          our ­        flag         had
I  thought   of  people                                                       ­   different      meanings
who     were     there.                                                          t­han     before.      Red;
That I  knew.  Daddy?                                                 ­       for   what    we    bled.
Where are you? Why                                                        White;­  for smoke that
can't  I call  you?  This                                                 ­       fell like  a  blizzard  in
was  much  too much                                                        late January. Blue; for
For  a  wee 5  year old                                                        the   ­ tears    we   shed.

                                      But on 9/11/11, we started new.
We will never forget
R.I.P. Robert Foti and other firemen, officers, and bystanders who lost their lives on 9/11/01
forever in our hearts <3

P. S. - having trouble reading it? First tower, second tower, bottom line
Written by
     Amanda, elle and ---
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