Before we met each other… We were lost souls… We couldn’t figure out our purpose in life… we had nothing… no one… We smiled, but the smile wasn’t genuine… there was always something missing… for me it was you… for you it was me… We were lost… Until we found each other… at first we didn’t fall in love... We were just friends... we talked, for days, weeks and months… we got to know each other… Then we were sure we were what we needed for each other all along. So we decided to try… we did try… The passion was the strongest we’ve ever had…we only wanted to love each other, under any circumstances… the unconditional type of love… We did love… we did have our dark times like all other couples… but still we were perfect to each other... we STILL perfect to each other but… sometimes I wish you were still alive… I miss your touch… I miss you so much… I wake up in the middle of the night thinking you’re there by my side… the pain is unbearable… Sometimes I wish I had died there with you, I don’t want to move on I’m not done loving you.