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Dec 2016
I don't need to sleep when all I do is tweak
I don't need to eat but living on the streets

This is the tale of a group of dope fiends
Slip on a sale fail to bring back the green
Tip over the scale ain't enough for the team
Speed pace pale face hear a woman scream

Paranoid when we get back cause the go was a weak sack and all the dough didn't make it back to the hands of the man who has our back

Imperial seriously no cereal in the mornin
Im feral furiously killa serial and storming

Boss man with the master plan worries
Bout empty hands and pockets he hurries Streets ain't a joke think old bloke out in the cold with nothing warm to hold and mold growing in his arm slowing down Stop
Read between the lines there is hope for these guys quit the dope for now or die don't give up always try even when we cry

We have shared our lives and to our surprise we can't keep this up forever
We have dropped the guise and haven't lied we stay meek humble and kind

Live on the edge wedge a knife in our back
I sign a pledge I never ****** your wife but you just couldn't believe that
Friends to brothers to sharing mothers
All a ruse so you could bring down another man who had shared only truth with you

Three remain in a hotel left broke & tame
We see you man a local soaked in shame
Each of us know the deceit in your words
Knew the greed make you flee like birds
Cam Stoker
Written by
Cam Stoker  United States
(United States)   
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