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Dec 2016
I thought of a quiet place once,
but this place was mysterious in too many ways…
It called me… My name, and asked me to play
But only to find that it had been filled with rotten decay
Decay of Happiness,
And this place was damp with fresh tears…
I found that these tears belonged to me,
And now I only wanted to flee,
Escape the shame inside of me…
Why had I entered this cave of despair?
It was almost like Hell, in its finest
I knew it wasn’t possible for even the slightest repair…
I could not find why I had not cared,
Cared for nothing or anything…
My body hurled, but there were no liquids to be found
As I realized I was trapped I fell to the ground…
I was in an everlasting cave of darkness,
My love had decreased by far less…
I figured that even dying would be best.
I looked up, and saw the walls starting to bleed
They had been trying to feed, but on me, my blood…
I now noticed that my body was bleeding out.
My wrists were slashed and my body was cut,
But how?
I lay on the floor, my body bleeding and yet no pain…
I felt like I was wrapped inside cellophane,
I couldn’t hide my pain.
Not from anyone
Even myself…
I was bound to die right?
Or was I already dead?
I hoped this wasn’t what it was like,
For those usually went to Heaven, not Hell
But I felt like I was already in Hell
I tried to listen, for anything
Even the small tune of a little bell
Just that quiet ring would do
I wanted to know when I would get my cue
Hell was not a place I wanted to be
But I felt as if I were already there
I was not even sure if I could bear
Bear the thought of almost being to Heaven,
And yet big claws dragged me down
I probably looked like a clown,
A ****** one, one who had just murdered everything in its path,
Everything around me was going so fast
Now I was thinking so hard I wasn’t able to do the math
I couldn’t understand what I was feeling inside
As badly as it had already been, I couldn’t even cry
For now I know for sure that I was not feeling sadness myself
But I was a figment of it, I… Was the feeling Sadness all his while…
This is long and I am so sorry....
Written by
WolfiesGhost  Norfolk, Nebraska
(Norfolk, Nebraska)   
   Doug Potter
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