After the battles that made me both strong and weak after all the agony and the losing streak Behind the cumber of memories, where I both lived and died and the absence of emotions where I laughed and cried.
Oh the strength of my youth is fleeing so swiftly and my being is exposing my every frailty what I once feared to become is who I have turned to be Oh, the lost which once was found was taken away from me...
But, This is me
Though calloused and lost Though pained and insecure Though stabbed and wounded Though forsaken by many
I still live, and for that I am secure My bleak future is ahead, and with that comes hope For I have seen in the past what really matters most, for I believe that the things which can be lost are things which can be attained once more
So let the hopeless romantic rise and the dreamer see visions once more Let my feeble hands and scarred sinews regain their strength toward the final blow
For my battles are over but my war shall not end and though each blow becomes tougher- so tougher too shall I become
I look at my hands, shaking, numb I recall my dreams, like shadows moving I feel my heartbeat, strong, yet afraid and I take my deep breaths to feel my life