"I have not taken a wife because I do my best to avoid disappointment" - Jin Bao Seifu "Hundred Eyes", Daoist Monk
Men admire beauty and praise it so much that they will aspire to unknown lengths to assuage and sustain beauties audience... it is the enchantment of beauty that intoxicates...rare beauty admires the substance of mutual admiration...
Beauty can conjure and secure Sovereignty over a mans mind & passions... should one interact in terms of logical usury and apathetic cold-hearted disregard Or chance at tenuous love & possibility of competing passions
Do we conscript our fealty to beauty by our bedding and subsequent warm embrace of promised security and sustained endurance long after the twilight of the nights ecstasy spurning dew of mornings uncertainties
"Young beauty what can you offer a man not made to completion?"
"To lay my softness upon him."
Beauty is Prey Mantis
"Do you now desire a sip"
- Jin Bao Seifu "Hundred Eyes", Daoist Monk is a character in Marco Polo Netflix series