A poesy to those who earn a life of little recognition.
Beneath the fabric of the world’s tainted expectations, lies what many fail to explore, few discover and the luckiest cherish. Blessings that cannot be traded, bought, nor sold. A benison unable to become impoverished. Gifts that grow and sprout delicious fruit. A colossal heart of gold.
The hue’s of their soul glows intoxicatingly bright, and guide those in the dark. A benevolence whose warmth is palpable to the lives of those surrounding them, with out a demand, and only a thirst to love.
With unfamiliar brilliance, these people fall anonymous. Many of the carriers unaware of what beats within.
Blind to the beautiful wake of life trailing behind their actions. They smile as if nothing has been done, where everything has.
Their inspirational hearts, when noticed shine so much beauty, you’re left in bewilderment.
As skepticism fades, cynicism falls, hate dulls, and questions are left with answers. As fear is replaced by freedom. You watch the kindness ask for nothing, as only a desire to follow remains.
Inspired by a stranger generously giving a friendship and meal to a homeless man down in Alabama. (And many others who are carriers of the wonderful heart of gold)