My view of the miracles and wonders which comprise the distant surface vary from your view Misleading landscapes that at a distance look like tiny paths when in actuality are cavernous ravines Things of beauty are often not so pleasant up close; well-populated areas appear remote Trampled areas seemingly untouched; desolate grounds invisible to their true hopeless form The most simplistic of areas majestic in reality Quadrants are less traveled due to their vertically challenging terrains The most intimidating adversary disheartens the courage, within the pure, to explore
Our worlds are polar opposites Yet we both find common ground from differentiating views One challenged by the wind in their face The other is rushed along with a bellowing blow The appearance of a storm trapped amongst Mother Nature’s forest can be beauty in one eye The strength of unpredictability can instill fear in the other Soon the storm passes and I am relieved the worst has passed You taking the same breath are saddened that the display has left us