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Dec 2016
Martini Poem

Peter and Bill over at the sink.
They're making martinis, 'bout time don't you think?

Pete prefers Beefeater, Bill's choice Bombay,
They've tried many others, but don't often stray.    

Bill's very precise likes it 4 to 1,
Pete, not so particular, vermouth, almost none.

Pete likes an olive. Bill likes a twist.
If there's no fruit he'll use lemon mist.

The first sip brings a smile and good conversation.
There's nothing quite like this Royal libation.

They sip and enjoy, gaze out at the view,
and offer a toast, here's to life, here's to love, here's to you!
Written by
Peter Borkman
   LeV3e and Robin Erica
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