My newfound life beckons me and it whispers my name so enchantingly I am beguiled by its eyes that stare at me I am surrounded Her scream is Deafening as I stand here surrounded by profound and rough brick walls I am someone lost I have been filled with melancholy much too long and I say no I say no to melancholic withdrawal This is my life And I will break free of this depression... This black pit and abyss of doom... For I see light A light so bright and blazing I am bewildered by the haze but it fuses and it beckons I am dumbfounded by myself and the life I have misled Whilst I sit here, I hear my future screeching and humbly whispering... Whilst I hear the scraping desks and the monotonous drone of footsteps, I see my future bright and clear... Perhaps I am a writer. Perhaps I am a helper. Perhaps I am a success or I may fall sometimes...
My life seems cataclysmic and I no longer wish to be lost I wish for inspiration to enter my lungs and to thirst for passion in every single day I wish for my words to be potent and powerful I wish to be an enigma for the world to explore I no longer want to suffer from nostalgia for my former self I will not stifle her passion
She is a writer. She is a teacher. She is a helper. She is a dreamer of dreams.
She will stand before a sea of green someday and she will teach the young minds. She will inspire.
I will walk out of these doors slowly and quietly as my feet soak in every memory and every piece of flesh that has been moulded and formed by their touch. I am me. I have been made by them. And I will not forget this building with its rough, red brick walls and I will forever hear their motto clearly in my ears Echoing and calling me back Resounding and drumming...
And I will say goodbye... Goodbye, my alma mater... As starry vistas lie before my eyes... Thank you for your wisdom and your touch on my life.