It seems like life is interesting You want to do your best You want to know that you are making some sort of difference That your life has some purpose It can be hard sometimes When it seems like one thing happens after another It can get easy to get stuck in a rut And to think that we can never do better Than the position that we are in right now It is very easy to let the world Especially ourselves Convince us that our lives are just one big mistake Whether it be financial, physical, emotional Whatever seems to be standing in our way Its very easy to take that in And to start believing that where you are Is just where you are supposed to be That there isn't really anything you can do You just have to keep going along Not really feeling Just allowing life to bowl over us To feel like things are just becoming more overwhelming Going through life feeling like you are going from one crisis to the next Never truly being able to move forward Getting stuck in the mud And not being able to come up for air But I feel even though it seems like a lot of people are going through their trials That as long as you are moving forward Working to become a better person Trying to make a difference Healing the things that you need to in your life Making the changes that you need to make To get to that better point in yourself Even though things might seem hard As long as you are trying to get to a better place You are actively trying to help and heal yourself As long as you are trying to help other people in the process You are doing ok You can move forward with pride Knowing that you are moving And coming more into the light