we're intertwined in imagined concepts and we've got the same layout. some sections colored the same but we still look so different.
I feel like a story basket locked in a casket, avoiding spitting on graves. you're the foam at the bottom: all I have left and I want more. I'm just a foam hound daddy, a locked foam hawk. you open your face, intoxication pouring out. too much stimulation leads to lack of stimulation.
through my fingertips budding beneath my eye lids. I see what you're saying. translate what you're feeling through my skin.
slabs of meat for hands, place them on the stove. (I feel better with my head close to the oven). you've gotta soak in the seasons or they'll fry off so fast, it'll be all chew and no taste. all **** and no chase. I'm simmering let me marinate.
social stimulation starts simmering smoothly.
okay, I'll let my body make the decision when it remembers how to move. too much to touch and not enough to stay away.