Could you stay the same Many years away When glory in the flames And faith has gone astray
Will you be the same Many miles away When love’s so badly failed And you’ve got no word to tell To make her come back
Can you stay the same When parents in the grave And you will never see your daddy’s friendly face
When mom’s kind reply Won’t calm you in the night And home will never hear Her childish joy, delight
Will you be the same When friends will claim your wealth They shut the door before you And tell to go away
Will i be the same when this poem’s dead and no one will remember pretty words i’ve said
can you stay the same when hit by success all acclaim your name and dance with no recess
Would you be the same after pouring rain when drops had crawled your ears and washed away your brain
is there place to hide in the raging storm down the ocean’s tide under the warmth of stones
will you be the same when failure strike you lame you seek refuge from overwhelming shame people will point their fingers and say you're out of game
i doubt you can decide for sure in failure, grief, success or glory you stay the same and will endure no being sorry, no giving way to worry, relentless, strong and wise
would you stay the same never looking back With uncertain future And forgotten past
Will you still be praying When thrown into hell For sins you’ve not committed And thoughts you’ve never had Or will you keep faith in God When no evidence is given Knowing deeds you’ve done Will never be forgiven
Can you love a person Despite the conditions On any circumstances Regardless admonitions When you’ve spent everything But received no prize Would you be determined To make another try