the number of ghosts engaged with *** toys... you almost forget to wonder about the whole debacle (clearly it's not a debate) - queen Sheba was right when she said to king Solomon: the world will be governed by a yellow race: (coppery, garnished with choc, alter rusty) no exceptions to the Japanese having the physiognomy of something resembling all things Germanic... porcelain white, excuses for the blonde - then the unearthed and then earthed brown that's represented by all Asiatic hues; they dropped the atom bomb and we're worried someone else will drop another? what about those people who do military deals selling pistols and bullets and machine-guns; aren't they on the priority list of concerns? atom bombs don't sell much warfare, they don't, you drop a nuke you forget there was a war in the first place, it's called the simplified variety of the end... if it weren't for the ethos of the kamikaze, there wouldn't have been a hiroshima & a nagasaki... there would just have been a hiroshima... proud ******* told the whole lot of nagasaki citizens: our fate is your fate, listen to the credo! first time lucky... boom! x-ray flash! i've got the opposite of bone on that brickwall... i have noon shadow: perfectly captured like a replica of a Fabergé egg to represent a chicken! but Dylan could have sung - preference to the x-ray and the sedimentation of bone into the archeological... nope... a-ray stood out, apparently detailing shadows was the way forward. but i don't blame them... there's no reason to blame someone that manages to fill your childhood slack on imagining things that aren't really there with Godzilla vs. Ghidorah (ghee: dorris, slash: door'ah)... still, the western civi faces fresh allegations of feministic chuckles and the ghosts of *** toys... cos any **** would be an adequate fleshy piston for the gyroid stanza of being agreeably equivalent to milking a cow... that really bites the biscuit, a Greek might have all the theological answers but he's still sidelined because he hasn't figured out an parabolic entry into a ****** using a straightened Floppy: for that necessary arousal being satiated... come to think of it: god would be better pleased with an argument than a woman pleased with an orgsam that might lead to the lost argument for god... it's not enough that a tornado doesn't make it easier, they apparently "do" too; most of the jokes come as no surprise: mine's still alive. it's still ghosts in *** toys... you got to look at ******* as a quasi- Attenborough moment of curiosity, does it get me wired for a marriage? not really... does it bewilder me thoroughly? of course it does... ghosts in *** toys... could this turn into something quintessentially dictatorial? probably... there's no point thinking you're right if you don't allow the other person to speak out... and on that note... dialectics is interested in only two people having a debate... not necessarily an argument... debates only exist between two opposites of a required conceit to be levelled and a plateau to be trodden... dialectics is never an en masse concern for vitality, dialectics is not theatre, but as it stands, dialectics is misunderstood as a theatrical attempt to achieve a congenial narrative where everywhere is informed (consensus omni)... clearly Socrates is Socrates (misanthropic) and Shakespeare is Shakespeare (artsy fartsy): the former needs a stranger and a park bench... the latter needs a stage and a theatre and commotion; thinking the two will unite is already a prerequisite of dictatorial rule... additionally? you can't learn dialectics from the direct source that discloses the existence of such a medium... not Plato... and i'm not saying that i know it: but i'm saying that no slogan chanted in a march will create a less embittered narrative than my own mind might already provide. ghosts in *** toys, boney *****, **** tricksy risque (or if it would be worthwhile to be born with the pleasurable **** experience gene); which amounts to one billion Chinese doing it right... i wish i was born into a family of seven siblings... then at least i might have, what is known as: a western acquisition of a satiable sense of humour; the "hey man!" sort of attitude that states that all operatic endeavours have to be relegated to a tone above the castrato: namely chipmunk.