When I was a boy, I was naturally left handed but was forced to write with my right hand, and I put this down for the great difficulty I have written in my language English is better for me I know I often mix words together that is, but having been laughed at I give a **** my problem, often because The brain works faster than my hands. When we had writing test the teacher usually –with the correction- read my work nevertheless I got low grades because of my spelling mistake but no one ever said continue to write You have talent. I didn't write anything before I was fifty and all the people who had put me down was safely dead. In my head live several persons some are nice give money to the gipsy outside the supermarket another one hates them they smell. Then we have the most pompous of all the pretence to be intellectual because I have read many books –hundreds actually- not to forget the great a psychologist who understand mind but know not what he is; the weighty books were mainly read when on a ship to stave off boredom No forget the communist he once as a child wrote a couple of lines from the manifesto “The Dictatorship of the masses” we know how that ends the party rules over the people day and night. I will not mention the other voices in my head only say that a voice says the safest bet is the democracy, not the way it is practised now when it is good for those with the money we the people are ignored, and that was why the Trump victory pleased me not for him to be like lukewarm Obama sitting in the basement deciding who to drone **** he may stop being a policeman and concentrate re- building the America of yore and in case you wonder this is not a poem