T** The way he makes me laugh and howl till my stomach aches and my face is red. H He took me to my favorite museum on my birthday. E Every time we’re together, the energy is so alive I swear you can see the electrons flying between us. P Perhaps one day we’ll finally save enough money to go on that camping trip we always talk about. H He got promoted so we bought the expensive wine that night, our regular box brand is tastes better. O Outside it rained and we made dinner together, laughing about the past and my day at work. T Today when he came home he wouldn’t talk to me. O Our days have stretched into a 24 hour year, maybe a guy’s night will help. G Getting used to this new routine of not saying goodbye when he leaves helps him I guess. R “Rebecca,” he said in his sleep last night when I grabbed more of the blanket. A Alison, my mom thought it was a good name, but I’ve always hated it. P Partly cloudy with a chance of dinner plans being cancelled again. H “How long have I been blind?” I asked the optometrist