I think, I think, I think therefore I think I am Mechanical little workings, I tick I am I think, But there are no certainties in thought, that's why it's ff* uunnnnnnnnny, ffnnnnnnnhoneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyy She asked if I found Jesus, but he's laughing Ha hhh ha ha aaaaaaa ha haa 'Cause he just wanted directions out of the tomb, *Ha He don't have Alzheimer's or nothin,'HA He was just trying to find himself.ha
My pockets are heavy, heavy, heavenly heavy With prayer stones and dog bones And secrets that tick,tick, tick therefore am Am, am am amamaMAMAMA M I ?Aam Who amMwho am I A *I ?M WhoAam I
Wailing like a helpless babyWANTS That at least knows what it wants.wants What do youYOU youwhatyou wants WANTdoyouwants YOU youwhat do youYOU wants you **want?
Not really a poem, just a tiny excerpt from my thought catalog where my mind is allowed to get lost.