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Nov 2016
They say I've been holding back, they can say all that they want man, I don't care, nor do I listen to that smack! *****, I'm so versatile, writing versus to wake you up from your own denial. You can compile a list of **** to present to the trial, dial 911, I don't care, it's not like I’m holding a gun; p.s when did this get so personal? I go above and beyond, I show love and forgiveness even to those that treated me like I didn't belong. Life is a ******* marathon; it's so easy to just give up because sometimes running towards that perfect life is like trying to find a leprechaun. I am just a black swan in a world full of white swans, and I’ve tried moving on, I’ve tried staying strong, but yet I still don't belong. Just an outlaw, trying to piece back my life together like it was a jigsaw. It just feels like I’m trying balance on some seesaw, just trying to balance all this **** while trying not to drive my self into the wall. Till my heart stops, till the beat drops, till the clock no longer tick tocks. Till the end, till I can no longer pretend, till I leave this state of mind and start to transcend.

Acrimonious precocious emotionless people only focused on their brokenness. Torn families and friends, **** won't happen by osmosis, sorry for my profanity, but if you could see through my lens you would realize that things aren't fully hopeless. Some people today are so boneless, now is a time to focus and notice our true wholeness. Burn out that closet, make a deposit in you, stop being so modest, go out and just treat yourself. Get back to business, stop fretting and slacking off, drinking out your sorrows with that Guinness. Can I get a witness? Shut the **** up fool, I definitely know what I’m talking about and my name sure as hell ain't Willis! A lot of yawl thinking you homeless; when you are actually blessed with living in this land of richness. I don't need 60 minutes to convince you that it's actually a good thing that you exist. Till my heart stops, till the beat drops, till the clock no longer tick tocks. Till the end, till I can no longer pretend, till I leave this state of mind and start to transcend.
Classy J
Written by
Classy J  22/M/Medicine Hat
(22/M/Medicine Hat)   
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