Hot water rushed through my ***** hair With my hands wrapped around my forehead I’m sitting down in the shower I can’t believe this just happened I don’t even know what happened How did we even get here? You should know that I get silent when you pressure me I never said anything to hurt you I thought I used to make you happy I just wanted to play a few games of Rocket League, I swear We could have done anything and went anywhere Still I was silent You said you’d just go home and I can hear how upset you are Still I was silent The shower is running now You texted me twice and my heart dropped when I read it I knew you were doing that to prove a point but I was so hurt That when you ended it I felt like I should have said something else And of course I regret it All I had to do was get food with you after my shower But now Hot water rushed through my ***** hair Down my face and into the drain Along with all the emotions I had running through me I was finally defeated Maybe some of the things you said, you didn’t really mean it but I know that all came from the heart I thought that I had patched all the wounds I had made before but the most important gestures were never done Life kept kicking me down and you were there to pick me up I had always appreciated that, you were willing to sacrifice too much for me and I would have done the same for you Even the days where I felt like I had seen enough of you My chest pulled my closer and closer to you like your rib cage held the key to keep my heart pumping And suddenly I no longer held the key to happiness for you So yeah, I was defeated The same day that I told all of my friends is that day that life kicked me down even harder Everything was my fault and they threw that in my face I called in to work and they said don’t come back since you were going to be late How could all of this happen to me, did I deserve this, I thought I was great Remember, that’s what you used to say So when you asked me how was I doing, the only thing I could say was “Gr8” a few hours later I was put on a pedestal to say things I didnt want to say but what else is one to do when there is nothing left to ruin his day now that I think about it everyday I’ll still wake up to see your face because I also forgot to give you back your picture frame cold water rushes through my ***** hair I whisper to the skies I know that someday I’ll see you there Until then, my love, please take care I wish you the best The next time we speak I’ll tell you that you were the best thing that’s ever happened to me