A sadness so heavy It's worn like a winter coat It makes your chest tight Until feel like your dragging it along Is this where it belongs?
It sits on your eyelids in the mornings Desperately trying to cling them shut Only to sit on the lashes later that night To stretch them wide
It consumes your spirit Until you feel like flesh an blood As if your skeleton Was eaten by your sadness Making it nearly impossible to get out of bed
It clings to your finger tips Making you shake constantly As if you're anxious Or fragile But that only confuses them more
It lays on your appetite Until you're running dry on energy And no explanation Because no one can see the demons Dancing on your stomach lining
It re-wires your thoughts Until you're no longer yourself Making you think you're lost And completely self absorbed Into your own sorrow
It climbs into your skin Making you itch like an addict Feeling uncomfortable And paraiod in the comfiest of places
It hides behind your eyes No matter how good you are at hiding it Regardless of how much you smile It doesn't matter if you're bubbly One look in your eyes And the truth is told
Once you take your sadness somewhere It embeds itself in the location When you go back the demons Will scream at you rhymically As you drag yourself through the door Like the church bells chiming on Sunday morning
The problem with sadness is It becomes comfortable Somehow it writes itself into your personality It prints itself to your skin And it clings on to you forever more
The depressive thoughts will stop But the profuse shaking Battle wounds Bags under your eyes The memories in your favourite places The way you think The foods you eat And the weight on your shoulders Become a part of you
Not only does the sadness follow you you follow it