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Oct 2016
A slight pinch this, a tiny smidge of that
A recipe of four, now that’s where it’s at
A cupful of Italian, plus German and English
Pinch in some Indian, to have a smooth dish
A spoonful of trust, add loving and caring
Stir all together, then add forgiving and sharing
Mix in a Father who gives his endless love
Adds in that flavor, like a gift from above
Red hair of fire, dab freckles all around
Add in some sugar, the sweetest Mom in the town
What’s this… a Sister, not just any, the best
She adds in vanilla, mixed in with the rest
At last add myself, which completes the four
I bring excitement and add so much more
Flavor for life, a splash of wild spice
I give the dish that essence of life
So if you asked, what makes a great family dish
It’s lots of preparation, a hope and a wish
That you’d be so lucky, to be proud and be glad
For having a wonderful Sister, a Mother and a Dad
A Dedication to my family
Robert Smith
Written by
Robert Smith
   Doug Potter
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