Susceptible to supple pleasures and carnal desires. I should be home writing and yet I try to find my pen and paper in the night. Ending up in the back of a van, while hands dig around for kratom and mouths dig around for justification. There are so many balloons in here, I thought it was a party.
A man tilts his head back salivating and yet I feel unworthy of his presence. Why did I want to be kissed? I remember the grabbing, pulling, biting, panting, but never did his lips graze mine. And yet in the ruddy afterglow, I thought he loved my words too.
A girl spells out her dreams in ink, her hand moving like it means to catch something on the tension of water and I wonder if she ever will.
I find myself sober, and yet envy the drunk. We each believe the other, is not living life. What evidence do I have, that I am not wrong?
Every day is Halloween, when you recognize the costumes.
Why did my pen and paper lead me here?
I went home and collapsed in dreamless slumber. I awoke to mascara running and lipstick stains, a reminder that my job is to be a comedian for the universe's cosmic giggle. I reach inside myself for the divine, but find tacks and taciturn excuses.