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Oct 2016
How long could you observe water being boiled? To the point of evaporation-disappearing into the air in which you breathe?

How much patience do you have, to watch crayons left on the sidewalk by children? Until they melt in to runny, colorful majesty that quickly fills the space of a concrete square?

For how long could you watch aluminum cans be crushed,
         and crushed,
                         and crushed,
                                         and crushed?

After a while these things become tedious, watching things constantly be destroyed. There was a time when it could have been sad making, but like any constant, it desensitizes.

what if it hurt these things, left to amount to nothing at the hands of forgetful cooks, careless children, and someone eager to exchange a pound of aluminum for 85 cents.

What if they knew all along that even if they weren't necessarily meant to face destruction, that they were products that were expectedly more prone?

What about people?

What about,

Written by
A  25/F/Wisconsin
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