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Oct 2016
In a tiny space in a room filled with sadness,
I hear you there holy light.
Loneliness isn’t that bad, just misinterpreted.
Of all the people I pass through as I walk each day,
Wherever I go, I never had a single thought
About being inside a crowded room other
Than elevators or small bar gigs.
So here is the thing:
A single note from any musical instrument
Could mean so much more than

The rest of its parts and yet,
We always ask for everyone to come
When we want them to.
Is it that hard to stop breathing for
A moment and see how it feels
Like to have something taken out of your life
And for that you have to keep moving on
And you have to function like you are some
Kind of a puzzle, complete with all its

These are the parts that should never
Go missing.
Any single one of them.

This is something you probably heard before
But chose to make no action
Just because no one really talks about it
And doing so would make you look or sound
Desperate or most likely
To be branded with terms
You don’t like being addressed with.

It’s not just depression, sadness, the broken or
the tragedy that lies beneath every story

It’s being aware that human hides don’t
Live that long and that everyone should

There you have it.
You don’t hear it everyday.
But if you have any idea about what I mean
Then start making it today;
With the people such as your friends, relatives
And most likely people who are too
Or should I say, a little bit lost.
the dominique of regression
Written by
the dominique of regression  30/M/Philippines
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