Is poetry all stereotypical? Can one now write without cliché? To write romance like Shakespeare Or depressed thriller like Poe Is now considered cliché, taboo, and old
What is left for us?
I say rid YOURSELF of stereotype Rid YOUSELF of taboo rid YOURSELF of your own clichés And create anew
I wish to throw up *** scenes **** out the angst with the rest of the waste! Those are MY clichés. MINE
I will breathe in the romance! Swallow the comedy whole. Done too much? Maybe by another But not I.
You ask us the write, But not mimic the greats. It's only cliché if we've done it, Let it become a stereotype of us And have it consume our bodies.
So I will write poems Of natures beauty Of fantasy dreams And it will not be cliché Because it will come from me. From the deepest reaches of my soul Through my guts and blood It is forged like a sword.
So call it cliché if I am to write The same way as the greats. It won't make it less beautiful Or any less new.